
Matrix Surgical USA in Albania

The prestigious facial implant company, now present in the Albanian market

Evita’s Santa and Elves celebrate with the children at Elbasan’s orphanage

At the end of 2022, our Santa and his elves stopped by the “Missionaries of Charity, Sisters of Mother Teresa” orphanage in Elbasan.

16th Conference of Albanian Society of Anesthesiologists & Intensivists

Evita is always in support of professionals and medical staff to guarantee quality in products and service.

Pink October

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Evita organized a meeting with its staff to talk more about this pathology!

Evita brings joy to the little patients at the pediatric facility on New Year’s Eve.

Evita concluded the year 2021 bringing joy to the children near Mother Teresa Hospital.

Evita provides Mentor implants for a patient at risk of breast cancer

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Evita joined the cause by providing Mentor® breast implants for a patient with a genetic predisposition to breast cancer.

Evita: “Best Collaborative Partner 2019”

Evita is awarded as “Best Collaborative Partner for 2019” by Johnson&Johnson

DiaVita zhvillon trajnimin për menaxhimin e urgjencave mjekësore

Edukim në vazhdim i stafit mjekësor sipas protokolleve europiane në qendrat e dializës. Ky ishte qëllimi i trajnimit një javor (11-16 dhjetor) të zhvilluar nga shoqëria […]

Breast Surgery Workshop

This workshop was organized by eVita in collaboration with the coordinator responsible for the scientific organization of this activity, Dr. Peter Zorman and the participation of […]
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